
Friday, January 11, 2019

What is Computer Graphic ? | it's types and Applications

Computer Graphic: It is sub-field of computer science that digital synthesizes and manipulates visual contents or images.
    It is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc. using computers with the help of programming. Computer graphic is made up of number of pixels.

Computer graphics are categorized into two parts:

1.    Interactive Computer Graphics: Computer graphics in which user can interact with the images on the computer screen. Image is under control of user.
    Ex. Playing computer game, user control the image completely. According to the user wish, images makes the movements on the screen.

2.    Non-interactive Computer Graphics: Computer graphics in which user does not have any kind of control over the images. Image is merely the product of static stored program and works according to the instructions given in the program linearly.
    Image is totally under the control of program instructions not under control the user.
    Ex. Screen Savers.

Application Areas of Computer Graphics: Computer graphics is used in many different areas as science, engineering, medicine, business, industry, government, art, entertainment, advertising, education and training.

    These are many applications of graphics in simulations, education and graph presentation.

  1. Computer Aided Designing
  2. Presentation Graphics
  3. Computer Art
  4. Entertainment
  5. Education & Training
  6. Visualization
  7. Image Processing
  8. Graphical User Interfaces.
1.    Computer Aided Designing: Computer graphics is used in design processes for engineering and architectural systems.
    CAD is used in design of the buildings, automobiles, aircraft, watercraft, spacecraft, computers, textiles and other products.
    In mechanical engineering graphics are used to design shape and size of nuts and bolts and internal structure of any machine.
    To view the internal structure of nay machine, wire-frame is used to draw the image.
    In electrical and electronics engineering, circuit boards are design by using CAD software.
    In civil engineering, Architects use interactive graphics methods to lay-out the floor plants, such as positions of rooms, doors, windows, stairs and other building features.
    With virtual reality systems, designers can go for a simulated "Walk" through rooms or around outsides of building to better appreciates overall effect of a particular design.

    In computer engineering, motherboard circuits are also designed.
2.    Presentation Graphics: Computer graphics are used to produce illustrations, slides and reports.
    Financial, statistical, scientific, mathematical & economical data for research reports, managerial reports are summarized through computer graphics.
    Ex. Bar charts, line graphs, pie charts & other.
    Time chart is used is talk planning. Time chart & task network layouts are used in project management to schedule & monitor progress report of projects.
    In cricket match, display, run stored by batman is show using pie chart, with specific area & runs per over is shown using line graphs.

3.    Computer Art: Computer graphics are used in fine art & commercial art, To design shapes and motin of the objects, artist uses software packages like paintbrush program (Lumena), paint packages, mathematical packages (Mathematical), CAD packages, DTP software & animation packages.

4.    Entertainment: Computer graphics are used in making motion pictures, music video & television shows. In Hollywood, animated movies are created through computer graphics like Jurassic Park, Hulk(used morphingo, Anaconda etc.)

5.    Education & Training: System models like physical, financial, economical are used in education and training and help to the trainees to understand operation of nay system with color-coded diagram.
    Simulators are used for practice sessions or training of ship captains, aircraft pilots, heavy equipment operates, and air traffic control personnel.
     A flight simulator with only a control panel for instrument flying. But most simulators provide graphics screens for visual operation.

6.     Visualization: To produce graphical representation for scientific, engineering and medical data sets and processes is generally called as 'Scientific Visualization'.
    Business visualization is used in contention with data sets related to commerce, industry and other non-scientific areas.
    Data sets are of two dimensional or three dimensional. Color-coding in one way to visualize data size. Additional techniques are graphs, charts, surface renderings.

7.    Image Processing: It applies techniques to modify/interpret, existing pictures such as photographs & TV scans.

    There are two principle of image processing:
  1. Improving picture quality.
  2. Machine perception of visual information as used in robotics.
To apply this method, we first digitize photograph/picture into an image file.
    Digital methods can be applied to rearrange picture parts, to enhance color separations, or to improve shading quality.
    Image processes of techniques are also used in tomography and in simulations of operations.
    Tomography is a technique of X-ray photograph. X-ray tomography (CT) and position emission tomography use projection methods to reconstruct cross sections from digital data.
    These techniques are also used to monitor internal functions and show cross-sections during data.
    These techniques are also used to monitor internal functions and show cross-sections during surgery.
    Computer Graphics are used in ultrasonic, nuclear medicine scanners.

8.    Graphical User Interfaces: Graphical user interfaces are the combination of multiple windows that are created with the help of Computer Graphics.